Cross words exchanged
Onerous grudges held
No desire for resolution
Failure to communicate
Lies and half truths
Illegitimate claims
Cumbersome curmudgeonry
Tumultuous tensions
Conquer anxiety
Over ride the fear
Urgency with a plan
Repent from regret
Action with a passion
Giving all without reserve
Even against the odds
Author Biography : Garry Spooner has been an active, enthusiastic, and well-regarded contributor to several online poetry communities since 2014. where he has made many good friends who have helped to nurture his skills as a poet. Some of his early influences were Dr. Seuss and Edgar Allen Poe. He came to writing quite late in life and has published a collection of his own work and contributed over 40 poems to various anthologies.
Garry is a British born New Zealand Citizen and is 61 years old.
Most Recently Garry has been and continues to be active in a few Facebook Poetry communities, writing, moderating, and encouraging other poets.