When love arrives truly, it is overpowering.
Totally unexpected, like a bolt from the blue.
Titilating a million unimaginable emotions in you.
It can only happen when the divine blesses, for you meet so many people in life, but that one special one sweeps you off your feet.
You meet good people, attractive people, successful people, generous people, inspiring people but the spark of true love happens only once in a lifetime, with divine grace.
And when love arrives, it brings with it an ache for fulfilment, for shared moments, longing, intimacy and the inescapable heartache.
And should there be a long parting, love makes one a poet, giving way to the deepest expressions of intimacy.
For when love arrives, it parks itself eternally,
never ever to retreat.
Aabha Rosy Vatsa is an author, poet and former teacher. Her literary journey started a decade ago with her blog 'Daffodils'. She has published several books of poetry, a travelogue on Amanath a short story collection titled MONSOON MUSINGS and a collection of love poems titled YESTERDAY ONCE MORE. The culmination of her literary journey was the publication of her autobiography in 2020, titled THE GIFT OF LIFE. She is a quintessential student of life and a die hard optimist. Her life's philosophy is simply Karma. She lives in Faridabad with her family.