The more I delve into the depths of life’s abyss
It compels me to reminisce
What is it that I truly lose?
What is it that I choose?
A lesson learned from the experience of loss?
Or when I lost myself in the loss?
The growth is inevitable
Whether you learn from the experience or you lose yourself in the experience...the mark it leaves is irrevocable.
All your life you want a grip on something
The hammer and chisel of life’s strife are busy sculpting.
The loss you think you experience is an opportunity to get closer to your Creator’s perfection.
A constant reminder of a human’s inherent imperfection.
The endless yearning to see my Creator,
Helps me be a better abd (slave) to Him than be a mere earth’s arrogant accomplished trader.
My lofty goals to be in His presence,
Helps me strive to be a person of essence.
Don't long for the creation
They are a sheer deviation.
The art on this earth that you long to create
Will perish at its due date
Stop holding on to things or people,
Build memories and build them Regal.
Foster growth in your spirit
Because once you're gone... It's a one-way ticket.
®️©️Shruti Goel
Shruti Goel is a Creative Artist who is a poet, a writer, an essayist, and an accidental photographer. She has been featured on Ekphrastic-Where Art Meets Poetry by a well-known Author Don Beukes. Her work has been published in the International Bilingual Journal Deshkaal/THE MIRROR OF TIME and Earth, Fire, Water & Wind, A Poetry Anthology. Her poetry is published alongside world-renowned poet Jack Foley in the Inaugural issue Of Reflectoem at LitterateuerRW. She writes on contemporary concerns of mental health, gender, violence, relationships, environment, nature, and more. Currently, she is compiling a book of her poems for future publication.