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Satayajit Mukharjee


Evening has set in.

I came out from the dark manhole of the high-rise housing complex.

Frowning where to go. Now a days, whoever I prick, the Serum tastes bitter and medicinal…

Lex flew in and said – Uncle, should I give you a tip? Like to taste really sweet blood? Go up to the ninth floor, the flat just opposite to the elevator…

Lex flew past in a hurry. Tempted I am but worried, my maximum experience was up to third floor… ninth floor’s too high for me.

Anna appeared around me asked – why Uncle, looks so worried?

I told her what Lex just said. Anna replied – avoid staircase and use elevator. But, be very cautious, you don’t know, several of us died on venturing the ninth-floor blood… she flew away.

Elevator door opened, all waiting beings entered in, me too, cage door closed and started rising. In the meantime, I settled myself carefully on the liftman’s collar. Strong smelling sweat gave me habitual pang to prick but resist.

To my good luck, someone said, ninth floor please… flying low, I came out peacefully on the ninth-floor terrace.

A faint aroma of incense sticks and its source pointed me towards the decorated close door opposite to the elevator.

Through the keyhole I easily slipped in. Nobody’s there, but strong smoke of mosquito repellent mixed with incense, made me sick. For a cover, I flew low and, towards the room with less effect of repellent but, strong presence of human body odour and incense sticks.

To my luck, found huge figure of a Mohanta sageman in lotus position with closed eyes. Though, my instant temptation was to prick in the middle part of the robust and bare back because, slapping hands normally couldn’t reach there. But, selected finally and settled myself on the glossy bare knee. There from I could study his expression and could suck blood, both at a time.

Just as I pricked and started sucking blood, I looked at his face for the reactions but, something happened to my brains…a flash… a divya darshan perhaps… memories of my previous birth appeared… those final moments of that evening… on meditation I was then, in my straw thatched mud-built hut…in the dark … and onto my bare chest, that the pricking mosquito (now a human,

Mohanta in this present birth) … instinctively I slapped and killed him… I was so remorseful then, for killing the poor creature… my meditation was all in vain…

So suddenly the slap thundered on me and dead I am instantly.

I am now free from mortal body of a mosquito but, a soul with wisdom. I blessed the Mohanta, who is still on his lotus position and subconsciously scratching his knee.

I prayed – Oh God, please help us in breaking the cycle of birth and killing and being killed. Om Tat Sat.

**(Lex: Culex mosquito, Anna: Anopheles)


As Satyajit Mukherjee , I have nothing to say as such. Alike others common likings – general source of love and joy in performing as creativity, I too, roam, travel, paddle (cycle), trek. I draw, I paint, I write. Though I try focus big but, my frame is small. Fifty years of spiritual drawing practice, described in a drabble. Joy of achievement through SVD (Sree Vidya Drawing) such as slokas of Ishopanishad, Shiva-mahimna Stotram, Sree Gita - Purushattoma Yoga (published). At present working on drawings of all 700 slokas of the Sreemad Bhagavat Gita. Was a librarian.


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