It’s an actual ordeal.
That’s not what they used to call
The process by which a person became a warrior, skilled in the use of arms.
They called it running the gauntlet.
Now we are all in the new Dark Ages.
I think we should update the terms.
Every day is a trial by combat.
You undergo an ordeal, designed to test
The skills you have developed
throughout the days with no rest.
Which have successfully seen you through
the maze - so far
and kept you relatively safe from harm.
Under the helmet and the armour
Are the human body and the heart
But we cannot over protect or pad them
Or they won’t be strong enough
To ensure what they must.
Best to build ourselves up with a minimum of
defensive clothing.
Ask only the right questions.
Embrace each affront as a call to action.
Smile, with insouciance
Take the gloves off.
Devika Brendon is a writer of poetry and short stories. She is currently working on 3 long form prose novellas. Devika is also a teacher, editor and reviewer of English literature. Her work has been widely published in both print and digital media.