… with great insight and aplomb,
'The first draft of anything is shit.'
Most earnestly I disagreed,
frowned mightily,
denied vehemently,
outraged was I.
in deeper thinking mode…
if that were not true,
nothing of value
might grow from it.
The hidden jewel flushed away,
to simply wither and die.
Without that first nutrition,
be lost forever.
Whereas, its other name,
is the catalyst for growth
of wondrous inspirations.
All depends
on your POV,
or honesty maybe?
To call a spade a spade,
and a piece of shit
a lump of manure.
Christine Larsen is a writer, farmer, wife, mother, grandmother and rescuer extraordinaire of children (human and the knitted toy variety), plus countless animals, for more than seven decades. Always a creator, her passion for some years has been copious amounts of writing of genres including memoir, flash fiction/non-fiction and short-shorts, children's stories—and now her butterfly brain flutters around poetic fields, affording much pleasure as well as the regular blood, sweat and tears the hard taskmaster (the writing muse) demands of her chosen.
Christine’s website is: ceedee moodling at http://www.cdcraftee.com/