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Shalini Nandkeolyar


O Little bird

What holds me raptured?

Your song?

So dripping with sweetness

Such tenderness

Such gentleness

Such love!!!

You awaken me each dawn

with your song celestial

flooding my heart

with such deep longing

for the One whose

melodies you sing incessantly.

The honeyed nectar

The music of joy supreme

of eloquence and clarity.

The sound of crystal notes!

You take me yonder

to long forgotten memories

of magical sunsets

of flowing rivers

of cool summers…

The breeze nimbly playing the harp

The soft whispers

of the water’s mysterious tales

interspersed, little bird,

with you, frolicking

Amidst the bending reeds!

Each note touches me

more deeply,

deeper and deeper

into the silence within,

where the quietening chatter

and the dreams end,

to the One

Who listens

unattached, non-judgmental

to my minds stray thoughts

holding me clasped

in love’s eternal embrace!

You fly away

into the vastness

my thoughts on your wings,

my heart beat

synchronised with yours!

The knowledge

that you and I are one!

And the Sun slips

into the Ocean,

beneath the waiting horizon.

The skies slowly

change colours.

I stand by my window

searching for you

in the darkening silhouettes,

in the velvety rustle of leaves,

in the maze of branches.

I know you are asleep

peacefully in the knowledge

that you are loved.

You are safe and content

in His warm shelter!

I too sleep assured

with a renewed hope,

an unshakable faith that

He will awaken me

with your magical refrain

of eternal wisdom!

Some dawn I too

will become His flute

through which He will play

His divine incantation!


Shalini Nandkeolyar is multitalented! She has a diploma in acting from the New York Academy of Theatrical Arts and has acted in a number of plays. 

She studied English Literature and Philosophy and has a degree in Business Management. 

She is gifted singer and has a music album of Bhajans called, Arpanam. 

She enjoys writing poetry. Her poems are exquisite, full of beautiful imagery and dripping with wisdom. Some of her poems have been published in a literary journal, ‘Rainbow’ and magazines. 

She is a Reiki Master, an evolved and committed seeker on a path of deep surrender. 



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