Just enoughs aren't enough
to feel as though wholly loved,
a quick peck on the cheek and
and an "I love you dear."
Yet when I listen in quietude
I feel His unconditional love
loud and clear.
Just enoughs aren't enough to
feel like my needs have been met
We must live to love as told from
above, to spare another's heart,
lest what's bound as regret. Keep
passion alive…"Do you remember
the day we met?"
Just enoughs aren't enough to
eradicate all of my fears.
Has numbness replaced a warm embrace or vying for a caressed
wiping of tears?
Just enoughs aren't enough for
unclear is your message of love.
I then look high above to a sky that
holds promises of love, hope and peace driven doves.
Just enoughs aren't enough
so, "please stop doing that,"
for I am worth much more
than just enough. After all
the times spent crying surely
I'm worth more than a mere
Toni Leigh TurnerWong from Portland, Oregon is a digital artist, author and poetess who occasionally enjoys creative works in other media such as acrylics and watercolor painting, and revamping costume jewelry pieces. She's shown interests in creative outlets since childhood and now finds art to be both therapeutic and joyful at the same time. She holds a place in her heart for worldwide peace.