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Nosano Kikhi

What secrets lie hidden from the Eleven?

Whose lies do you soak your soul in?

Why invoke the darkness, all for thirty silver coins?

Where do you fail to proffer faith offerings to Him

who holds this authority to wash clean - your feet and sins?

Can you hide from Him

Who knows every storehouse of snow and hail;

Who binds the beautiful Pleiades

And loosens the cords of Orion;

Who brings forth the constellations in their seasons

And leads out the Bear with its cubs?*

History will now remember you for your kiss

That sealed your own death, the second

Not His.

Greater secret was hidden from you

Do you know?

Death precedes Resurrection -

His, and that of all who believe in Him!

*Job 38:22,31-32


Nosano Kikhi enjoys writing poetry and creative non-fiction. She makes her home in Kohima, capital of Nagaland, India. Her poems have been published in anthologies like Poetry From Nagaland, In All The Spaces : Diverse Voices in Global Women’s Poetry, Earth Fire Water Wind, Millennial Poesy and the e-magazine Different Truths, A Global Participatory Social Journalism Platform. Currently working in MGNREGA under the Ministry of Rural Development, she is also a member of the Nagaland EarthCare Foundation where she promotes rooftop gardening and organic composting. She loves cats and enjoys giving piano lessons to eager students.


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