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I Wept With You

Jeffery W. Underwood

Today you Spoke of your sorrow. I didn’t know what to say.

“It will get better with time” I lied.

Loss like this isn’t something that time will heal , it lingers. But one day, someday, you will no longer forget they are gone and that, no matter how meager, is something. I searched for anything that might bring some joy back into your eyes, but all I found my own loss and I knew the depth of your pain. You told me that you are sad, I believed you, I wept with you, what more could I do?

For Hannah


Jeffery is a lifelong writer of technical documents, poetry, short stories, inspirational notes, and essays. He is a father, and husband, whom at an early age, fell in love with the magic of the written word when he learned that contained within its process is light much brighter than any darkness he faced. A secret he has passed on to his children in the hopes that they too will find joy and solace in the written word as well.



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