Bark of river,
the roof of water
frozen and still.
Hearth and home
at journeys end,
my ancestry in all forms.
A chariot for the journey-
So long
as the wheels are still turning.
Do not ask how
far you must travel.
The owl who can see
others are blinded.
The brightest beacon.
This torch, lit with a spark
a light beam of
of understanding,
final tune cast.
The creator.
Spear of justice,
It takes
as much courage to
stand up for what is right
as it does to go into
Elizabeth Lish Škec has two chapbooks Butterflies of New Dawn 1995 & Leather Skin, skecteXt publishing 2002 and one poetry collection with spine Breath published by Luckner Press 2014 and has been published in various anthologies worldwide.
Winner of the human rights slam poetry award, Lish has taught poetry, creative writing and theatre workshops for The Victorian Writers Centre, CERES, Overload Poetry Festival, SPAN Community House and was part of the video education series Picking Poetry Apart. Lish is the founder and host of Poetryspective at Pride of Our Footscray nightclub and community bar and the Poetryspective program on YouTube.