I awake ravenously hungry
With an appetite that is vicious,
it tears at my soft innards
the need to eat is overwhelming,
a desire that cannot be denied.
I am driven to seek sustenance,
not polysaccharide rich food, no
I crave crisp chlorophyll-rich herbiage,
enriched vitamin enhanced greenery
to quench my burning voracity.
I eat for days, and days and days,
going without sleep in an attempt
to assuage, alleviate the hungriness
by chomping the way through
mountains of leafy nourishment.
The constant chomping and gnashing
has the required result, I am replete.
I put on bulk, I grow round and fat,
still and sleepy, I drowse,
wrapped in a tightening body cover.
The covering hardens to create protection,
it is a safe haven concealed beneath growth.
I quietly lie, unaware a miracle is gradually
happening, that a magical transformative
change, a true metamorphosis is underway.
I awake wrapped tight in my covering.
to nibble a hole into the material
to escape the confining form.
Free, I hang from the shroud,
My body is infused with difference.
I flex wings of pearlescent gossamer
and take flight into the wide blue yonder,
leaving behind a precious gift,
a cocoon, worth its weight in gold,
the makings of Wild Tussah Silk.
From a negligible crawling larvae
to an equally insignificant greyed pupae
to an emergent winged lepidoptera
my life cycle is complete - fulfilled
I am a Bombyx Mandarina Silk Moth
Beginning to end - seven short days!
Journey over - Transition is complete ….
Ad infinitum, until the next time,
and the next time and the next.
Beautiful, desirable natural silk.
Janet Stoyel is a Practicing Wordsmith. After a long career in Textiles, Janet now focuses her attention upon Creative Writing. Janet writes for the pure appreciation and joy found in language: in letters: words, sentences, she chooses, organises, weaves, and constructs, her written vocabulary into her distinctive freeform language.
Janet lives in a small Somerset Village in the UK. It is a sleepy, rural area of Wetlands noted for the growing of Willow and the making of baskets – a great place to write!