When I pluck the roses, the thorns also come along
Sometimes the days are short but the nights are very long
Sometimes the road is smooth but at times very rough
At times I feel that going ahead is really tough
The other choice I have, is to quit
But with a bigger stride I choose to cross the pit
Ups and downs in life makes it a zigzag line
Be strong and everything will be fine
Create an inner voice of self belief to become braver
Just crush the fear in your path to become an achiever.
Brief Bio
Harinder Cheema is a renowned international poetess and an award winning internationally published Indian author . Her published novel entitled 'The Temple Stop' is the recipient of 'The Best Book of the Year Award 2020' by Aghaaz, Author In You. She is the co- author of 20 poetry anthologies.
Her short stories , poems and articles have been published in the Coffee Table Books and various International magazines. She is also the proud recepient of many prestigious awards and honours. Her name finds a mention in 101 influential Indian women 2020.
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