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Seema Ahira


I am solemn silence

Waiting in your screams

I am the virtuous sin

Burning in your pleasures

I am the unspoken word

That quivers on your lips

I am the infinite sigh

That escapes from your lies

I am innocence

Crushed by your desires

I am the restless demon

That raises from the ashes

I am your shame

Hidden from the world

I am the tortured love

In your lonely nights

I am the colourless rainbow

In your bright blue skies

I am the anguished tear

That escapes your eyes

I am the storm cloud

That threatens your parade

I am the hushed tirade

Waiting to explode

I am the reviled secret

That leaves you bereft

I am the fiery passion

Hidden in your omissions

I am the abuse

That seeks an answer

I am the pain

That needs a prayer

I am a woman

You no longer control

I am freedom

That has just walked out of your door

About the author – Seema Ahira

A reluctant writer or an accidental one is the best way to describe my musings. They reflect my thoughts, feelings and are partially based on my own life experiences or in the experiences of those that are close to me. I also tend to reflect on current affairs.

I have a great love for food and find nature therapeutic and inspirational. I feel connected to mother earth and all her creatures while losing myself in gardening.

Poetry allows a voice to my inner ramblings that are at times difficult to express.

A proud Canadian, I draw heavily from my childhood and formative years spent in India.


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