Mom, hug me tight
When my heart goes heavy
Your touch may heal and cure me.
Mom, hug me tight,
When my mind goes speechless,
When my heart goes unable to pour out loud
Your hug may find an answer.
Mom, hug me tight,
When things wrong,
And when I get lost in vain
Having you may release my heartbreaks.
Mom, hug me tight,
To feel the tension less mind
Like the good old days
I wish now to fly back.
Mom, hug me tight,
If I am lost,
Your tight hug may heal everything,
I will be your one-year-old baby
Only wishing for a kiss and lullaby and care.
Shwetha A is an introverted dreamer also a voracious writer.
She loves to decorate her skills with a vibgyor of colours. With her passion for poetry and skills for creativity, she does believe that she can make a positive impact. Her poems have been published in National and International journals including 'SHE, A PRIZED SOLITIARE', 'A THOUSAND WORDS', 'LOVE IN SUMMER', 'SURVIVORS', 'BROKEN HEARTS', 'THE VOID', 'IMPERFECTIONS' and also in magazines named ' WEAVER MAGAZINE ', ' HEART LINKS 'REFLECTIONS.LIVE', A JOURNEY THROUGH LIFE', 'PRISTINE SCARS', 'THE HEROES',' WINTER', 'ROMANCE', 'DAFFODILS', 'LOVE IS IN THE AIR' which is also available at the print and online zones. She has won numerous accolades and diplomas for her skills in writing.