On July 14, 1789
We Parisians had rushed in anger
and stormed the fortress and prison.
Then on that day the Revolution
which changed everything started.
The walls were harsh and cruel
but the resistance of us people
was stronger and full of courage.
Liberty and Justice fraternity and equality
stood beside us
soon the walls had to come down.
Tumbling crumbling down.
Our seven people
startled by sudden freedom
rescued from lifelong incarceration,
fingers missing, starved and immobile
Breathed free again.
Courage returned to those imprisoned bodies
The fortress fell and with it the despotic royalty.
The mighty King Louie XVI lay beheaded
for it took a century before the revolution made the
the people’s might their right.
The Fall of the Bastille a visible symbol of a courageous
Revolution which touched the corners of the world.
Roopali Sircar Gaur, PhD is a published poet, travel writer, social activist and academic. She has edited a number of anthologies. As consulting editor for e-journal Different Truths, she mentors writers and poets. As a veteran spouse she writes and works with military families. Her recent anthology, The Force is With Us : An International Anthology Celebrating the Armed Forces has received much attention.