Conflict and courage
Two sides of the same coin
Conflict is born of my lesser self
Fear, anxiety rule me.
In the race of comparison
I win the trophy of jealousy.
My beautiful
Lingers on in the depth of my being
Please stop! It says.
I care not.
Trumpet sound of power
Render me deaf to reason
Holding high the banner of fame
Unmindful of stink left behind in its wake
I ride on
Astride my ego
Unshed tears and trampled emotions
Are not for me, to count.
Cheer of victory
die on my lips.
No one around
to raise the toast
with me
mirror images closing in on me
All cheering for themselves
Not for me
Welcome to the world of chaos
And conflict
Disillusioned, yet in love
With my creation
I lack conviction to
Flip the coin
Dejected, I look out
No scapegoat in view
Three fingers turned in
No matter where
or at whom
I point one.
I open the window
To breathe easy
Riding on fresh air
Came Sound of laughter
Infectious and pure
What legacy am I leaving for them
A world devoid of trust and hope?
I flipped the coin.
Holding the courage side up
No more my kind of world.
Somewhere a mirror image
Shattered without a sound
As my inflated ego breathed its last
madhu tuli. age 63.
Married to an ex fauji. I am Mother of two sons and a daughter in law and have a granddaughter. I play many roles and in love with each one of them. I believe in the religion of humanism and dignity of life.
English is not my language. I have only composed in Hindi. Two of my poems have been published. AWS has provided a platform to explore and expand my abilities. This is my first attempt at composing a poem on a given topic in English.